On May 05, 2013, at 01:12 AM, Roger Leigh wrote:

>There's definitely an open bug for adding this, and I'll be happy
>for it to be added.  It shouldn't be too hard to implement, though
>we would probably want to make it configurable whether the repeat
>build failing should fail the build as a whole.  We probably want
>to do the repeat after we've copied the built files out of the
>chroot.  We could probably also compare the file paths between
>the source and binary packages in the first and second builds;
>comparing the content itself is probably not realistic.

I'd love to have a --twice option in sbuild.  Should it be the default?
Perhaps, though I would probably --once for most of my build debugging, at
least until a single pass build works reliably.  Then I'd run it once more
with --twice before I blessed the local build.


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