On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 4:00 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Michael Gilbert writes:
>> On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 2:17 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:
>>> Right.  Which is why we should immediately (for definitions of
>>> immediately that involve the release team taking a much-deserved break,
>>> but not for definitions of immediately that mean "six months from now")
>>> freeze testing again until we're back down under 50-100 RC bugs,
>>> whether via fixes and transitions or whether by kicking out a bunch of
>>> packages.
>> People just spent 10 months fixing issues in packages that were not
>> their own.  I don't think they want to be pulled away from the fun
>> stuff so quickly.
> And that's why releases are so painful, at least IMO.
> We have to break this cycle at some point or it will just get worse.  To
> break the cycle, we're going to have to keep doing bug fixing after we're
> exhausted of doing bug fixing so that we don't build up a huge backlog.
> The good part is that if we actually can break that cycle, the freeze
> will be much less painful and we won't be as sick of fixing bugs the next
> time around.

Or the project could end up in a perpetual freeze.  Every time the
floodgates are opened, another 1,000 bugs could get reported due to
all of the new transitions, and another freeze will need to happen to
get those down.

> Think of this in software development terms.  We're currently following a
> development model where, immediately following a release, there's a nearly
> complete free-for-all without much enforcement of bugs or regressions.  We
> do that for a year, and then we try to stabilize the results.  Most free
> software projects that used to follow this model (and there have been
> quite a number of them) have had similar struggles with the extended
> stabilization process this requires.  That's part of the shift towards
> test-driven development, continuous integration, and constantly-usable
> master branches.

Those other distributions have also given up on producing high-quality
releases.  Only Debian and RHEL remain in that category.

>>> Because they're not from migrations.  They're from transitions.
>>> They're all the "this is going to break with a new version of libc6"
>>> and the like bugs that were filed before the release at priority
>>> important and were mass-upgraded after the release.
>> But those shouldn't affect testing yet, right?  All of that stuff
>> needs staging in unstable first.  Are bug filers not tagging their
>> reports correctly?  If so, that's quite misleading, and actually
>> should be quite easy although tedious to fix.
> The bug affects the version of the package in testing.  I see what you're
> saying, but I don't think this is something the BTS can represent.  And
> those bugs *are* all release-critical: they have to be fixed before we can
> release jessie, at least unless we're going to abort the transition, which
> seems unlikely.

There is the "sid" tag, which indicates that the issue only affects
unstable.  Although I think a "triggered-by" function is needed in the
bts.  For example, bugs with "triggered-by gcc 4.8-0" would not be
marked as affected in suites that have gcc versions prior to 4.8-0
(i.e. jessie would not yet be affected by the gcc transition).

Best wishes,

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