Paul Tagliamonte wrote:

> It's not, really. It's a new command using the dak commands interface
> (the same one that `dcut(1)` uses to rm / cancel uploads), so, it's only
> natural that it's usable with dcut :)
> Currently, only dput-ng supports this, you can invoke `dcut` from
> dput-ng in-place from the git repo.
> Some examples from the man page:
>    $ dcut dm --uid "Paul Tagliamonte" --allow glibc
>    $ dcut dm --uid 0x0DEFACED --allow glibc linux --deny kfreebsd9

Does this only work for dput-ng thats currently in git?

I have dput version 1.5 installed and it seems to have the 'dm'
command, but I haven't tested it.

The reason I ask is because I am a DM that used to have DM-Upload-Allowed
for a couple of packages.  I would like to go to my sponsor with a list
of instructions on how to get me working again.

Erik de Castro Lopo

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