I was interested in doing some ongoing analysis of historical RFS
processing, and ran into trouble getting the archived bug information.

The bugs.debian.org web interface, by default, omits archived entries. When
including archives, the results are truncated. I don't see a way to work
around this by splitting up the results somehow. In aggregate, there
doesn't seem to be a way to get all of the bugs out of that web interface.

As a DM, the UDD db interface is not available to me. The UDD web interface
for bugs does not support the right query terms.

The Searching Bug Reports section on http://www.debian.org/Bugs/ identifies
a number of options that are broken or impractical.

What is the recommended strategy for me to get ongoing access of historical
bug stats, short of setting up a full UDD mirror? What am I missing here?

"Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien" - Voltaire

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