On 25 October 2013 23:29, Marco d'Itri <m...@linux.it> wrote:

> It is more and more obvious that modern software needs an event-based
> init system.

As much as I would like to see systemd as the default in Debian (and have
switched to it on my Desktops), I see two show stopper issues:

* Needs to work (somehow) with other applications (including not in Debian)
that need to manage cgroups. In Debian this would include lxc.
* See http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=721775, seems to
have the systemd maintainers stuck.

If I had to change back from systemd, it would be, reluctantly, due to one
or both of the above.
Brian May <br...@microcomaustralia.com.au>

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