On Mon, Dec 09, 2013 at 01:56:57PM +1100, Craig Small wrote:
> As pidof is moving from sysvinit-utils to procps-base in the next
> release, I want to check I've got the way dpkg handles flags correctly.

> procps-base will contain the new pidof and will be
>   Essential: yes
>   Breaks: sysvinit-utils << 2.88dsf-43

> Now, if there is a new Essential package, is that automatically
> installed?
> What happens with the Essential and Breaks, one says "install this now"
> the other says "dont install this if a verison of sysvinit-utils is
> there".  That's a bit of a conflict.

> Is Replaces a better way of doing this as procps-base is replacing
> one file from sysvinit-utils?

> Other than removing pidof, is there anything the syscinit-utils
> people need to do?

> As its a bit tricky, I really don't want to mess up the
> inter-dependencies. A non-working file init uses is a bad thing.

You must use versioned Replaces, and *not* versioned Breaks, for the case of
moving files between Essential packages.  Since (as others have mentioned)
the version of sysvinit-utils that drops pidof needs to add a Pre-Dep ond
procps-base, the Pre-Depends<->Breaks relationship makes it impossible for
the package manager to atomically keep the Essential set in working order. 
Cf. apt and "Could not perform immediate configuration".

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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