On Mon, Jan 06, 2014 at 06:46:02PM +0100, gregor herrmann wrote:

> Looking into the d-d-a archives, I find something about NMUs during
> BSPs in May 2007 (<20070513172244.ga14...@solar.ftbfs.de>) for the
> last time, and then (and since then, e.g.
> <47ccf6ce.7050...@debian.org> in March 2008) the "everlasting BSP"
> announcement in September 2007 (<20070901130447.gh27...@zomers.be>).

> AFAICS this made its way into DevRef via #625449 in March 2011.

> In <20110329095102.gx37...@feta.halon.org.uk> (which leads to this
> bug / DevRef change), the RT mentions that the "perpetual 0-day NMU
> policy ... has worked well for the past five years, and so will be
> submitting a bug against dev-ref to make this official."

For the record, I don't think the wording in the devref matches the NMU
policy that the release team was encouraging prior to that.  In particular,
the devref says that a 0-day NMU should be done only if:

   [...] fixing only release-critical bugs older than 7 days, with no
   maintainer activity on the bug for 7 days and no indication that a fix is
   in progress

This is definitely more conservative than what I recommended while RM.  As
far as I'm concerned, any time there is an RC bugfix included in the upload,
unless there are other changes included that you have reason to believe the
maintainer will disapprove of, it should automatically be a 0-day NMU.
Otherwise, the effect is that we're telling NMUers they should choose
between doing a thorough job of fixing the package while NMUing, and
providing timely help to the release.

Likewise, I think that an RC bug being old or new, touched by the maintainer
or not, factors into the decision about whether to spend the effort on
preparing an NMU; but once the NMU has been prepared, I don't think it
usually makes much sense to upload with a delay... it may have been
duplicated effort, but it doesn't benefit anyone to delay the upload once
it's been done.

So I think the current language in the devref is a conservative compromise
based on the discussions at the time.  I would not like to see it enshrined
as a hard rule that NMUers are going to get yelled at if they violate.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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