On Fri, Feb 07, 2014 at 05:32:29PM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Ian Jackson writes ("Re: Wanted: perl package home for condorcet computation 
> script"):
> > Paul Wise writes ("Re: Wanted: perl package home for condorcet computation 
> > script"):
> > > On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 11:46 PM, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > > > It would like to live in some Debian package.
> > > 
> > > devscripts seems like the ideal package. I guess some folks would want
> > > to use it for meeting times and team decisions.
> > 
> > CCing the devscripts list.  Hi, devscripts maintainers.  What do you
> > think ?
> Hi, James, I was wondering if you had an opinion about this proposal.
> Would my condorcet vote counter fit into devscripts ?

It didn't seem to fit your criterion about dependencies, but if you're
fine with that, then sure.

> The dependencies have grown a bit: now it depends on
> Graph::Writer::GraphViz too, so, indirectly, on graphviz.

Given the more niche role of the script, the dependencies probably won't
be part of the "default install" set anyway, so that shouldn't be a big

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