previously on this list Brett Parker contributed:

> Maybe you should do some more investigation, get some better clue of
> what you're talking about, and come back with a better, more thought
> out, set of arguments that actually have merit.

Right, by arguing on the basis of the definition of Linux rather than
the meaning of his arguments, or as often is the case on this
subject dividing and conquering or ignoring the valid points and
changing the subject to the 100th *needed* functionality that every
system apparently should have by default but actually turns out to
already exist but optionally installed and actually means little or
just gets in the way of better implementations.

There is another reason why Unix consisting of parts that do one thing
well is so valuable and that is because arguing over the best way of
doing it can't be polluted or crap forced in the back door with the

Your response is actually closer to trolling.

Why is it the the word troll gets so abused. Naming people trolls when
they are not is worse than trolling in my opinion.

I really haven't the time right now to look over the links having took
a break from work to watch a footy match but assuming I didn't miss the
sarcasm then if Thorsten Glazer sees even an ounce of merit then I can
almost guarantee he is not trolling.

p.s. systemd being a bad design for an OS which aims to be so cross
platform is simply obvious to me on many levels, at the very least it
calls for extra oil/work/code depending on the scenario to meet that aim
and with little/no *real/truly beneficial* reason.

Still maybe it will be the death of Linux on the desktop atleast for
techies and I wouldn't mind to be honest as without grsecurity the linux
*kernel* actually has less security features than Windows or even
FreeBSD now and FreeBSD was trailing behind for a long time. The
userland security is much better than windows but with the exception
of apt repos being the only well used thing that springs to mind (which
is a valuable security feature) this was basically inherited from good


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

In Other Words - Don't design like polkit or systemd

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