Quoting Serge Hallyn (serge.hal...@ubuntu.com):
> Quoting Christian PERRIER (bubu...@debian.org):
> > Quoting Christian PERRIER (bubu...@debian.org):
> > > Hello fellow developers,
> > > 
> > > I would like to request your help in testing the new version of the
> > > shadow package (that provides login, passwd and such other important
> > > or base packages).
> > 
> > I haven't got much feedback....which is indeed what I was more or less
> > expecting. ;-)
> > 
> > So, well, let's jump into the mud (I love to do that when
> > running.....not sure I love to do that in my FLOSS activities) and
> > I'll soon upload shadow to unstable.... Be prepared.
> Hi,
> so first glitch I found is that /etc/subuid was not created for me.
> login.postinst only creates that on new installs.  In Ubuntu it
> does so anytime it does not exist - I assume you made that change
> on purpose?  usermod -v refuses to run if the file does not exist,
> so users will need to be told to create those files themselves.

What makes you think this?

In login.postinst, we have:

        # Create subuid/subgid if missing
        if [ ! -e /etc/subuid ]; then
                touch /etc/subuid
                chown root:root /etc/subuid
                chmod 644 /etc/subuid

(strangely indented, admitedly....but unless I'm missing something
obvious, it is unconditionnally run)

That code probably somes unchanged from the patches that have been
proposed, indeed.

And, well, on my system, /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid were indeed
created when I manually installed the new login package.

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