at bottom :-

On 8/11/14, Thomas Weber <> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 03:20:49AM +0100, Anthony F McInerney wrote:
>> Would the people who are claiming that blank cdr are cheaper than dvdr,
>> especially in third world countries, please cite sources (shops, price
>> checkers etc) of the price of say 5 pack or 10 pack, even up to 50pack of
>> CD's, vs the same amount of DVD's, from those third world countries. Is
>> the
>> price of a small pack of DVD's really worth making the decision on a DE
>> for
>> debian?
> Not sure why you'd want to go for third world countries, but let's look
> at Germany (Aldi is one of the two biggest discounters here):
> CD-R Rohlinge (80 Minuten, je 50er Spindel)         5,99 Euro
> DVD+R Rohlinge (je 20er Spindel)                    3,99 Euro
> That is 0.12 EUR per CDR and 0.20 EUR per DVD.
>> DVD readers/writers are cheaper now than CD readers/writers ever were.
> I don't think it makes sense to ask for the price of one media (which is
> in Cents), but then assume that the extra cost for a new DVD reader is
> negligible.
>       Thomas

Hi all,
As an interested user I come from India and at least here there isn't
a difference at all in terms of a CD or DVD media. A single of both
costs Rs. 20/- (with the plastic case and all) and going to some of
the wholesalers we can get it for Rs. 7/- or Rs. 8/-  (in a spindle or
a box) . The price might differ between the two by a Rupee or two
(it's been quite some time since I went to buy blank DVD's) but the
space equation is such that I never buy a CD.

I do remember a distinct conversation where I asked him if he ever got
orders for CD with the vendor replying that mostly he gets order CD's
from villages rather than from city/town itself. Still the ratio was
80 > 20 in favor of DVD's.

I know it's not at all scientific and is probably a strawman argument
but that's the way I see it here. Almost nobody I know within my
circle talks about CD and I do not just work with the elite in the
          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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