Quoting Thomas Goirand (2014-08-15 09:26:20)
> On 08/15/2014 12:28 AM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>> Quoting Thomas Goirand (2014-08-14 09:26:05)
>>> Note that the XStatic python modules aren't just meta packages, they 
>>> also offer a mechanism for a Python script to discover where to find 
>>> a given static file in the system (which really, isn't obvious, as 
>>> the Debian archive is a bit messy in this regard, especially when 
>>> dealing with static files that aren't javascript like .css or .less 
>>> files).
>> You are quite welcome to propose tp relevant teams streamlining which 
>> could ease your packaging.  A cleanup might take time to coordinate, 
>> and agreeing on tidying the structure may take time too, but that 
>> shouldn't discourage you from initiating that process :-)
>> I recommend to discuss that in those smaller teams rather than here.
> Well, unfortunately, I'm not sure there's a solution, or at least, I 
> don't have it.

I don't expect you to have solutions, only - maybe - ideas.

That s exactly why I suggest doing it as teamwork :-)

>> Please don't embed reusable non-Python code into Python-specific 
>> packages - then you end up with same problem as you ran into yourself 
>> with ruby-bootstrap-sass (see right below).  Instead, package (or 
>> request others like the Javascript ot Sass team) to package those 
>> which you need.
>> Please don't postpone proper packaging until others eventually steps up.
> Theoretically, you are right. Unfortunately, this isn't practical.
> I'm sorry, but I just can't package stuff that I have no use for, or 
> for which I have no knowledge (ruby is a good example of this). This 
> will be bad work, and I don't want to upload crap which I wont even be 
> able to check by myself. It would also sometimes be too much work, for 
> which I wont have time for.
> I also don't believe that just writing an RFP will make it happen. If 
> this was the case, I'd just do that, always, and stop doing any sort 
> of packaging myself...
> So, I'm going to do this only as much as I can, when possible. I hope 
> you'll understand.

What I suggest is that you package stuff you have no use for, nor that 
you just write RFPs.  What I suggest is that you collaborate with teams.

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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