> From: Sven Bartscher <sven.bartsc...@weltraumschlangen.de>

Hi again Sven,

> Greetings,
> If we have a package, which doesn't migrate to testing, we usually
> check the "Why does package X not in testing yet?" page or the PTS.
> Usually they do a great job in telling us why our package doesn't
> migrate.
> But sometimes you have packages, which have complicated dependencies,
> that don't make it easy to tell why our package doesn't migrate.
> Usually the PTS and "Why is package X not in testing yet?" fail at
> those packages and don't give any useful explanation. For example look
> at the page for haskell-hgettext[1].
> Those packages usually have to go into testing together with a few other
> packages. If it's getting worse your package needs to go into testing
> with a lot of other packages (usually if your package is part of a
> bigger transition).
> If your package is part of a transition you might have luck and the
> transition page can tell you what the problem is. But sometimes not
> even that pages help.
> For that reason I made a tool that takes a package name and tries to
> find out why your package doesn't migrate to testing.
> When run, it gathers all packages that block our given package X.
> Then it fetches all excuses for these packages and throws all of them
> away, except those that are identified as interesting. These types of
> excuses are identified as interesting:
> - out of date on <arch>
> - <pkg> has new bugs
> - Too young
> This takes a long time (for me 3 Minutes) depending on your internet
> connection.
> This is mostly useful for haskell packages, as they have very close
> dependencies. However, it might be interesting in any other transition.
> The source code is attached and can be found in the tools repository[2]
> of the Haskell Group.
> In order to compile it you need the following packages:
> - ghc
> - libghc-regex-pcre-dev
> - libpcre++-dev (This should be a dependency of libghc-regex-pcre-dev
>   but it isn't due to a bug)
> Compile it with:
> ghc --make reasons.hs
> To run it you need the following packages:
> - devscripts
> - wget
> - ca-certificates
> - locales (you should use an UTF-8 encoding, otherwise its guaranteed
>   you will have problems.)
> Also you must have enabled the source URIs in you sources.list.
> There are still some rough edges. The most notable ones are:
> - Most errors that can happen aren't catched. So an haskell exception
>   will be thrown, which gives not very much information of the problem.
> - The excuses are fetched with grep-excuses. So the excuses file is
>   downloaded over ad over again. There is already a bug with a patch
>   filed against grep-excuses to fix this.
> - "out of date" excuses are all considered interesting, even though it
>   would be better to only include those that aren't in state B-D
>   unistallable.
> A bit more detail on the workflow of this tool is described in this[3]
> post.

I would just ask one (I hope little) feature, I'm not an haskell guy, so I find 
rather difficult to submit a patch :)

I would like to see also this
outputUrl = 

(maybe with a deletion of ~/.reasons/update_output.txt)

and replace "doesn't" with "doesn't " ;)

maybe something like renaming update_output.txt.{ubuntu,debian} and passing 
something like -d {debian,ubuntu} by command line will make this program 
universally used and easily extensible to other debian based distros. 

thanks again for the nice and useful work you did!



> [1]:
> https://release.debian.org/migration/testing.pl?package=3Dhaskell-hgettext
> [2]: http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-haskell/tools.git/
> [3]: https://lists.debian.org/debian-haskell/2014/08/msg00027.html
> --MP_/ptLm4kgDdV4o5zwF+5AjRiy
> Content-Type: text/x-haskell
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=reasons.hs
> import Text.Regex.PCRE
> import System.Environment
> import System.Exit
> import System.Process
> import System.IO
> import Data.Maybe
> import Data.List
> import Data.Char
> import qualified Data.Set as S
> import Control.Exception
> import System.IO.Error
> import System.Directory
> import Debug.Trace
> data Excuses =3D Excuses String [String]
> isEmpty :: Excuses -> Bool
> isEmpty (Excuses _ []) =3D False
> isEmpty (Excuses _ _) =3D True
> excuses2String :: Excuses -> String
> excuses2String (Excuses pkg excuses) =3D unlines $ (pkg ++ ":"):(map 
> ("    =
> " ++) excuses)
> main =3D do
>   package <- getArgs >>=3D parse
>   output <- fmap lines acquireBritneyOut
>   let bins =3D getBinBlockers output package
>   result <- try (fmap nub $ mapM getSrcPackage bins) :: IO (Either ErrorCal=
> l [String])
>   srcBlockers <- case result of
>                    Left e -> putStrLn packageNotFoundMsg >> exitFailure
>                    Right pkgs -> return pkgs
>   excuses <- mapM getExcuse srcBlockers
>   additionalExcuses <- getAdditionalExcuses srcBlockers excuses
>   let filteredExcuses =3D filterExcuses isInteresting $ excuses ++ addition=
> alExcuses
>   mapM_ putStrLn $ map excuses2String filteredExcuses
> acquireBritneyOut :: IO String
> acquireBritneyOut =3D do
>   cachePath <- chooseCachePath
>   case cachePath of=20
>     Nothing -> readProcess "/usr/bin/wget" ["-q", 
> "-O", "-", outputUrl] ""
>     Just path -> do
>       createDirectoryIfMissing False path
>       setCurrentDirectory path
>       readProcess "/usr/bin/wget" ["-q", "-N", 
> outputUrl] ""
>       readFile "update_output.txt"
> chooseCachePath :: IO (Maybe String)
> chooseCachePath =3D do
>   result <- tryJust shouldCatch $ getAppUserDataDirectory "reasons"
>   hasHome <- getHomeDirectory >>=3D doesDirectoryExist
>   return $ case result of
>              Right dir -> if hasHome
>                           then Just dir
>                           else Nothing
>              Left _ -> Nothing
>       where shouldCatch e =3D if isDoesNotExistError e
>                             then Just e
>                             else Nothing
> outputUrl :: String
> outputUrl =3D "release.debian.org/britney/update_output.txt"
> parse :: [String] -> IO String
> parse [package] =3D return package
> parse _ =3D printUsage >> exitFailure
> printUsage :: IO ()
> printUsage =3D do
>   progName <- getProgName
>   putStrLn $ "Usage: " ++ progName ++ " package-name"
> packageNotFoundMsg :: String
> packageNotFoundMsg
>     =3D "The package you requested was not processed by the 
> autohinter.\n\
>        \grep-excuses <pkg> should list all reasons why this package 
> doesn't\
>        \migrate."
> filterExcuses :: (String -> Bool) -> [Excuses] -> [Excuses]
> filterExcuses f excuses =3D filter isEmpty $ map filterPkgExcuses excuses
>     where filterPkgExcuses (Excuses pkg excuses) =3D Excuses pkg
>                                                    $ filter f excuses
> isInteresting :: String -> Bool
> isInteresting excuse =3D "out of date on" `isPrefixOf` excuse=20
>                                 || "introduces new bugs" `isInfixOf` 
> excuse
>                                 || "Too young" `isPrefixOf` excuse
> isInterestingDependency :: [String] -> String -> Bool
> isInterestingDependency pkgs excuse =3D "(not considered)" 
> `isSuffixOf` exc=
> use=20
>                                       && (mangleDependency excuse) 
> `notElem=
> ` pkgs
> mangleDependency :: String -> String
> mangleDependency excuse
>     | null dependency =3D ""
>     | otherwise =3D tail $ dropWhile (/=3D ' ') dependency
>     where dependency =3D excuse =3D~ "(?<=3DDepends: ).*(?=3D 
> \\(not consid=
> ered\\))"
> -- Takes a list of already fetched excuses and returns the excuses of missi=
> ng dependencies
> getAdditionalExcuses :: [String] -> [Excuses] -> IO [Excuses]
> getAdditionalExcuses _ [] =3D return []
> getAdditionalExcuses pkgs excuses =3D do
>   let interestingDepends =3D filterExcuses
>                            (isInterestingDependency pkgs)
>                            excuses
>       dependencies =3D nub $ map mangleDependency $ flattenExcuses interest=
> ingDepends
>   excuses <- mapM getExcuse dependencies
>   evenMoreExcuses <- getAdditionalExcuses (pkgs ++ dependencies) excuses
>   return $ excuses ++ evenMoreExcuses
> flattenExcuses :: [Excuses] -> [String]
> flattenExcuses excuses =3D concat $ map unpackExcuses excuses
> unpackExcuses :: Excuses -> [String]
> unpackExcuses (Excuses _ excuses) =3D excuses
> maybeTail :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
> maybeTail [] =3D Nothing
> maybeTail (x:xs) =3D Just xs
> getExcuse :: String -> IO Excuses
> getExcuse pkg =3D do
>   hPutStrLn stderr $ "retrievieng excuses for " ++ pkg
>   excuses <- readProcess "/usr/bin/grep-excuses" [pkg] ""
>   return $ Excuses pkg $ map (dropWhile isSpace)
>              $ fromMaybe [] $ maybeTail $ lines excuses
> getSrcPackage :: String -> IO String
> getSrcPackage bin =3D do
>   hPutStrLn stderr $ "querying source for " ++ bin
>   packageDesc <- readProcess "/usr/bin/apt-cache" 
> ["showsrc", bin] ""
>   return $ parseDesc packageDesc
> parseDesc :: String -> String
> parseDesc desc =3D let ls =3D lines desc
>                      srcln =3D findSourceLine ls
>                  in removeFieldPrefix srcln
> findSourceLine :: [String] -> String
> findSourceLine (curLine:rest)
>     | "Package: " `isPrefixOf` curLine =3D curLine
>     | otherwise =3D findSourceLine rest
> getBinBlockers :: [String] -> String -> [String]
> getBinBlockers output package =3D let arches =3D getArches package output
>                                 in nub $ map stripComma
>                                        $ concat
>                                        $ map words
>                                        $ map removeFieldPrefix arches
>                                     where stripComma str =3D if last str =
> =3D=3D ','
>                                                            then init str
>                                                            else str
> removeFieldPrefix :: String -> String
> removeFieldPrefix arch =3D drop 2 $ dropWhile (/=3D ':') arch
> getArches :: String -> [String] -> [String]
> getArches package output =3D get $ removeStats $ fromJust $ findAutohint pa=
> ckage output
>     where get (line:rest)
>               | line `matches` " *\\* .*:" =3D line : get rest
>               | otherwise =3D []
> removeStats :: [String] -> [String]
> removeStats =3D drop 4
> findAutohint :: String -> [String] -> Maybe [String]
> findAutohint _ [] =3D Nothing
> findAutohint package (curLine:rest)
>     | curLine `matches` ("Trying easy from autohinter.*" ++ package)
>         =3D Just rest
>     | otherwise =3D findAutohint package rest
> matches :: String -> String -> Bool
> str `matches` pattern =3D (not . null) (str =3D~ pattern :: String)
> --MP_/ptLm4kgDdV4o5zwF+5AjRiy--
> --Sig_/FxDr0M5M=m3X3vo7h1MYZq.
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> gMrrquvAsyc2OhDJtx4J/N1AmzQTc2saSGDbHB4lTfVJvYj8NnDJq7ovnOjBG5Kn
> XvINhlpnsVP61yPBpS5qlKT/UNqMa0TpgbkL8pAIzK84hqBwcmro1QWj9KM2OdSW
> EMwuGjFZemh8aCPMm+0cZh+CL7B1R6HZ+gJ+oY5RD3H59HOQ2hDnTn36wLeagBfL
> +1IqxVRdqnRqa0PMXNDr3eAd1ljIF66G4jUIWEwHUpr94eO59dXRAxNFWr0oZQ1W
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> --Sig_/FxDr0M5M=m3X3vo7h1MYZq.--

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