On Wed, 20 Aug 2014 21:16:41 +0200
Sven Bartscher <sven.bartsc...@weltraumschlangen.de> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I noticed that libghc-regex-pcre-dev doesn't depend on libpcre6, which
> causes it to fail at import.
> I tried to fix that and noticed that ghc searches for the unversioned
> SO (i.e. libpcre.so instead of libpcre.so.3).
> Is this normal with GHC or is this just some bug in regex-pcre?
> If this is a common case, what cen we do against it? Is this only
> something that can be fixed in GHC or can we fix this by some linker
> options?

Sorry, I mistyped the address. I actually wanted to send this to


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