Package: wnpp
Severity: normal


Following a previous discussion on state of developers-reference[1], I:
- switched the package to git, and moved it to collab-maint;
- went through all bugs with patches;
- fixed a few other bugs;
- reviewed other bugs, fixed some of them, and closed those that weren't
  relevant anymore.

This reduced the bug count from ~100 to 79.  However, I mostly did this
out of guilt of still being listed as one of the package's maintainer,
and I would love someone else to take over.

developers-reference is an important piece of Debian's developers
documentation, and helps ensuring that our various packaging teams
continue to share common procedures. It is also one of the recommended
documents for prospective contributors (I remember printing it and
reading it religiously). It is very sad that we are not able to keep it
in a good state.

One-time contributors are also welcomed. As "documented" in #754189,
consensual changes can just be commited by anyone (and non-consensual
changes should be discussed on the BTS prior to being committed).



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