Am 31.08.2014 17:58, schrieb Paul Wise:
> There is also a downside to raising priorities in this way; raising
> the priority of dependencies of higher-priority packages means that if
> implementations of higher-priority packages change and the (now higher
> priority) dependencies are no longer needed, we have to do work to
> revert those changes. I think they would end up as cruft that is
> forgotten about or just cause busywork that we can avoid in the first
> place by not raising priority of dependencies.

Completely agreed. That's why I believe it's counterproductive to raise
the priorities or library or helper packages.

Those packages should never be pulled on their own due to their priority.

I think policiy should really be changed in that regard.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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