Le 06/09/2014 22:22, Jerome BENOIT a écrit :
> Hello List,
> I filled an ITA for guava [1]. Because it is rather a GAP package then a 
> stand alone software,
> it would make more sense to rename it gap-guava: how can I rename its source 
> from guava to gap-guava ?
> Note that the deb ball associated to it is already named gap-guava.

Hi Jerôme,

(This is rather a question for -mentors, hence the reply-to).

There are several solutions, see https://wiki.debian.org/Renaming_a_Package.

Kind regards, Thibaut.

* Dr Thibaut Paumard       | LESIA/CNRS - Table équatoriale (bât. 5)   *
* Tel: +33 1 45 07 78 60   | Observatoire de Paris - Section de Meudon *
* Fax: +33 1 45 07 79 17   | 5, Place Jules Janssen                    *
* thibaut.paum...@obspm.fr | 92195 MEUDON CEDEX (France)               *

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