On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 10:38:52PM +0200, Ralf Jung wrote:
> >> And at least I would prefer offline updates over my web browser crashing
> >> or shell completion breaking (until re-exec of the shell to be
> >> compatible with plugins).

> > I would much prefer to not have to reboot the entire system and lose
> > all state for the sake of a couple of userland application updates. If
> > things don't work, file bugs. If the latest shiny desktop stuff can't
> > cope with re-exec etc. well, then I'm glad to not be using it. :-/

> Then just not use this feature, and do your updates as you always did.
> It's entirely optional, after all.

This argument is either naive or disingenuous.  Yes, it's an optional
feature; it's also a feature that Matthias himself has said he would like
unexperienced users to use.  The only way that it's going to be available to
unexperienced users is if it's /the default/.  And if it's used by default,
authors are going to blithely carry on implementing their software in a way
that works badly when doing online upgrades, because everyone has agreed
that this is "acceptable" - even Debian is doing it, and nobody cares more
about upgrades that Debian!

I understand that software (especially desktop software) not coping with
online updates is an existing problem.  The question is whether we -
collectively - think moving to offline updates is an acceptable way to
address this problem.  And the time to raise that question is now, /before/
it becomes an entrenched assumption and leaves our users with no choice but
to use it because their desktops become unusably broken if you apply package
updates while they're running.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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