On Sep 14, 2014 9:16 AM, Michael Gilbert <mgilb...@debian.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 2:47 AM, Sébastien Villemot  wrote: 
> > The bottom line is that julia needs SSE2 (and porting it to the x87 FPU 
> > requires changes that are beyond what I am willing/able to do, see [1] 
> > for more details). And the presence of SSE2 is not guaranteed on the 
> > i386 architecture. 
> chromium upstream decided to go SSE2-only, but I've reverted that in 
> the Debian packages for now.  I would prefer to not diverge, and would 
> do so if there were a convenient way to detect and prompt users about 
> the problem (rather than segfault). 
How about creating a package named like sse2-support for i386 which fails to 
install (unless it is forced) on not SSE2-capable hardware emitting a proper 
error message?
Packages requiring SSE2 could (build-) depend on it.

BTW steam already requires SSE2.


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