> I'm closing this bug because this ain't a general bug in Debian. Some 
> depend on Gnome too (or KDE or some obscure OCAML library) and it's no 
> mean conspirancy that they do so, but rather relying on some feature 
> somewhere. Aka: "business as usual".
> Please direct your energy elsewhere than into useless bug filing. Code 
> the world.

So, Holger, are you saying that failure to accomplish our goal of supporting 
several init systems is not a bug?

Would you ask a random user (not a developer) to develop code if he notices 
that e.g. installing brasero changes his init system?

Closing bugs because you do not want to acknowledge that there is really a 
problem is hardly a solution. systemd is the default we choose, not something 
we should impose on all users wherever they want or not at the least 
opportunity. A cd writer changing an init system is not "bussiness as usual".


Noel Torres
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