Quoting Bas Wijnen (2014-10-15 19:49:32)
> On occasion, I've needed a single-use system; something that boots up 
> into an application and that shuts down when that application exits. 
> (Having the full power of Debian in the background is a nice feature, 
> but mostly unused.)  For example, for dancing rehearsal I want the 
> instructors to be able to switch their computer on and have the sound 
> program start up without any interaction.  It isn't hard to set this 
> up, but if I want to tell other dancing instructors how to do this, it 
> requires more steps than I would like.  I've tried making custom live 
> CDs, with a special package that does these things.
> Would this use case also be a reason for creating a personal blend?  
> Or even an official one?  What would be the easiest way for people to 
> install a non-official blend?  Should I create my own installer?  
> Should the installer be changed to allow entering a URL (for an 
> external apt source) before it presents the list of available blends?  
> (I think this might be a good idea, but it shouldn't be in there by 
> default; only when the user selects "back" on the blend selection 
> menu.  Or perhaps there can be a button in that menu for opening the 
> dialog, but if it's for adding any apt repository, the blends dialog 
> is not the right place for it.)

That sounds like an excellent idea for a Blend!

You raise a bunch of questions on how that idea should be implemented 
and work out in details - but that has is open for you as driver of a 
Blend to figure out.

If you do decide to start create above as a Blend, and would be 
interested in collaborating (with me), please do count me in!  I have 
fumbled with a few ideas in the past that seems to fit perfectly to 
above (e.g. a dead-simple videophone "PhoneHome" dialing a hardcoded 
number, or a party jukebox with a touch keyboard (no avoid spilling 
liquids into a real keyboard, or a gaming box to pacify visiting kids, 

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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