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In advance sorry for all spelling mistake that I will write as I am writing 
from my phone and I am not a native English speaker.

I am emotionally crushed by this.

You are one of two DD's I interviewed for our LUG in Banja Luka, shortly after 
conference. You were among first people I saw when I came early in morning to 
Vaumarcus. You're by your contributions to Debian already a legendary DD. 
Stories are told among Free software users about you and your life. I want to 
say to you no, no, no. Don't leave the project for which you and many other 
will become like grandparents in another 18 years. You, bdale, vorlon, moray, 
holger and other long time Debian people should be there, become Debian Oldmen 
that will pass stories on DebConfs about our community project early days and 
its rise to glory. Please, for a day, sit down and consider all of us who care 
for well-being of Debian community, who care on personal level a lot. If you 
can do that, please do.

Speaking of community, I know my voice is yet small, but I think many have 
expressed and agree that we look more complicated then government structures. 
We really need to change this because its killing the community feeling and its 
draining energy from our members. I mean whats next in this sad show? We are 
going to loose mbiebel, gunnar, zack? Am I going to come to are DebConf where 
bdale and keithp will not be there to talk about rockets? Where zack will not 
educate us about Free software? Where holger will not be there to help video 

I am sorry if I sound silly but its hard to see people leave because they got 
emotionally burned out. I love to see bubulle posting his love for running or 
looking at enrico's talks because his funny ways of presenting is cheering me 
up in sucky days. Heck I could say some unique thing for every single person.

I just want the warm community feel back where we do not need some special 
technical process to reach some consensus but a nice talks between friends 
because we are afterall friends here. A family. So, please, lets care for each 
other and do a handshaking and hugging as a consensus for everything.

With love,


P.S. I didn't get chance to harass paultag in Portland and if he leaves the 
project I am leaving Earth

P.P.S. Joey, if you in the end really leave - I wish you good luck in all you do

On 7 November 2014 22:04:10 CET, Joey Hess <jo...@debian.org> wrote:
>It's become abundantly clear that this is no longer the project I
>originally joined in 1996. We've made some good things, and I wish
>everyone well, but I'm out.
>Note that this also constitutes an orphaning as upstream of
>debhelper, alien, dpkg-repack, and debmirror.
>I will be making final orphaning uploads of other packages that are not
>team maintained, over the next couple of days, as bandwidth allows.
>If I have one regret from my 18 years in Debian, it's that when the
>Debian constitution was originally proposed, despite seeing it as
>dubious, I neglected to speak out against it. It's clear to me
>now that it's a toxic document, that has slowly but surely led Debian
>in very unhealthy directions.
>see shy jo

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