Am 27.11.2014 um 01:19 schrieb Josselin Mouette:
> Yes, yes, and yes. This needs to be put in a frame and bashed in the
> head of anyone who keeps repeating that systemd is about GNOME.

What about the idea of being mindful of the tone of your conversation
and keeping it conciously moderate, Josselin?

When you are asking for something to be "bashed in the head" of people
other than you, then I think it is trivial to understand that you are
setting the response to be of the same tone with respect to agressivity
and intollerance.

That kind of tone will evidently not contribute to keeping the
conversation constructive.

If there's something to be learned from the mailing list traffic here
then it seems crystal clear to me that the *way* people interact with
each other is *the* determining factor of the future of Debian as a project.

You must accept that there will be different opinions never mind how
stupid they are. If you react with violence and bash people on their
heads then that might work for small, fearful minorities, which you will
beat out of the project or into silence. But it will not work in a
situation like this, where a large and strong part of the project has a
different oppinion than you.

Technical correctnes and excellence and correct and excellent
interaction are conditions sine non qua for a good and excellent project
and product.

All of these are of course platitudes that you, being a brilliant mind,
have no problem to understand. Therefore I want to suggest to you to
please to take one step back before pressing reply and to choose the
words that you are using here in conversations conciously.

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