❦ 11 décembre 2014 13:12 +0200, Eugene Zhukov <jevgeni...@gmail.com> :

> I plan to package a perl script to run as daemon. It will update
> dynamic DNS provider with IP changes etc., but for that it needs user
> credentials registered at provider's web site beforehand.
> Is it a good solution to ask for credentials at package installation
> step? These credentials and other configurations I plan to put under
> /etc.
> If that's OK solution, could you please point me to some example
> package doing similar thing?

You can do that with debconf and ucf. debconf will ask for the values,
you will build a candidate configuration file from there and use ucf to
prompt the user to accept changes if any.

grub2 is doing that to manage /etc/default/grub. Maybe there are simpler
Localise input and output in subroutines.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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