
Thank you for that good sir, I will do just that (I'm sure by the time I
wrap my head around orchestrating a transition of ICU to version 54.1;
someone would have taken over - and perhaps I'd be able to contribute
through them at that time and work my way up to a co/maintainer over time).

Really appreciate your response -> your first paragraph actually motivated
me even more.

Cheers -

*Richard B. Winters*

On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 1:26 PM, Jay Berkenbilt <q...@debian.org> wrote:

> My suggestion would be to read through the material at
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMaintainer and take it from there. Sounds
> like you're about where I was when I started with Debian in 2003: I was
> experienced Linux/C/C++ developer using tiff, xerces, and icu at work. I
> took over the packages with the help of sponsors and initially as a
> co-maintainer and used my experience there toward becoming a full debian
> developer about 18 months later.
> I'm afraid I don't have time or energy to help with the sponsorship, but
> maybe you can find someone who can take over maintaining icu with the
> intention of sponsoring you or who can sponsor you to take over
> maintenance. I got my start with the tiff packages by managing a
> transition that corrected an inadvertent binary compatibility problem
> without an soname bump, and through that, earned enough of a reputation
> to be able to move through the new maintainer process pretty easily. ICU
> presents an opportunity to do something similar. Take a look at
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=757025. When I created
> that, ICU 53 was out, but I was not able to get the transition done for
> jessie. Now ICU 54 is out, and one of the first jobs of icu's next
> maintainer will be, post jessie, to orchestrate a transition of icu to
> version 54.1 or whatever is current at the time. This would be a good
> way to cut your teeth on slightly more advanced package maintenance
> activities required with library packages.
> --
> Jay Berkenbilt <q...@debian.org>

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