On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 09:04:56AM +0100, Harald Dunkel wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I would like to use upstream's Debian/Ubuntu packages for a 
> certain tool 'foo'. Its closer to what I need, and I don't 
> have migrate between both versions before asking the mailing 
> list for help or for reporting/fixing problems. 
> Problem: The Debian maintainer messed up the version numbers 
> and had to introduce a "1:" for his foo package. Now upstream's
> package always appears to be out of date, forcing me to override
> apt-get. 

As Far As I Can See can that "problem" worked around
with also prefix '1:' the version while packing upstream.

> If upstream's Debian package of a tool is "not good enough" 
> for Debian for some reason, wouldn't it be reasonable to avoid
> a naming conflict on creating the Debian package?

Frankly, I don't understand the question.
And in a matter of fact I don't understand the posting.

I think it is wise to name the actual package name (plus version(s))
and the URL of upstream. Right now I have to guess it is about
two code bases with same name (with simular functionality)
or same code base where Debian version is behind Upstream version.

Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven

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