On Wed, 2015-02-18 at 19:33 +0100, Mehdi Dogguy wrote:

> If someone is working on some new project/service for Debian and wants
> to be hosted on a DSA-managed machine, what are the criteria that
> should be met to be accepted?

There isn't really a written set of criteria that need to be met, please
come talk to us about your planned service.

Nevertheless, here's a random list of things that came to mind:

In general, if this is a service that can run on standard x86 systems,
we prefer to run it on existing virtualisation infrastructure instead of
getting dedicated special hardware.  Sometimes that is not an option due
to resource requirements (e.g. snapshot) or when introducing a new port.
Such instances will need to be discussed on a per-case basis.

For services that need other types of hardware, we need to be able to
acquire and host that hardware. We like stable hardware that can be
bought (or donated) that survives reboots and doesn't fall over all the
time. Our hosting providers generally like rack-mountable hardware.

There will be no root access, except in exceptional circumstances.
Assume your service isn't one of those exceptional circumstances.

We strongly discourage use of PHP and MySQL. The latter is mainly
because we only have the surrounding infrastructure (backups etc) for
PostgreSQL, but also because we don't want to run different database
management systems, just like we don't run different types of
webservers; we run Apache.

We plan to shut down services without active admins until there is
someone to adopt them.

We ask service admins to contribute and help maintain a meta-package for
the debian.org set of metapackages:


The only packages that will be installed are those from Debian stable
and backports, with pretty much no exceptions. Around release time
various machines get upgraded to the upcoming stable release.

Please have a good understanding of the resource requirements of your
service and be able to describe these. How much disk space will you
need, how much RAM, how many cores? Realise server-grade disk-space is
limited and not cheap.

We like it when user-facing services have a geographically distributed
multi-machine architecture.

We will generally setup SSL for HTTP based services, redirecting from
HTTP to HTTPS. Web services/sites should avoid referencing resources
from outside their domain.



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