On Ma, 31 mar 15, 17:29:25, Andrew Shadura wrote:
> Hi,
> On 31 March 2015 at 17:00, Matt Zagrabelny <mzagr...@d.umn.edu> wrote:
> > I've grepped debian-devel, but cannot find an email that was sent to
> > the list some months ago about tweaks to /etc/apt/apt.conf (IIRC) to
> > make aptitude behave more sanely.
> > Thus, I believe there are a couple of knobs to turn to make aptitude
> > behave more expectedly.
> Here is it:
> $ cat /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00dontbeanidiot
> Aptitude::ProblemResolver {
>     SolutionCost "priority, removals, canceled-actions";
> }

I've had good experience on sid with:

$ cat /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99local-aptitude-no-removals
// tweak Aptitude to not suggest removals as first option
Aptitude::ProblemResolver::SolutionCost "removals";

See #570377 for more information.

Kind regards,
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