❦ 15 avril 2015 10:05 +0200, Jonas Smedegaard <d...@jones.dk> :

>> When the license says that the derivative should be redistributed with 
>> the source in the prefered form of modification, every derivative use 
>> the same prefered form of modification. When the license says nothing 
>> about that, there the prefered form of modification may change from 
>> one derivative to the other. This is the case for CSS and Javascript.
> ...yet you seem to continue trying to reason only based on licensing.  
> Feel free to do that, but such reasoning will not get you to same logic 
> as Debian Policy.

I am explaining that without a license enforcing redistribution of
source code using preferred form of modification, there is not _one_
preferred form of modification: there are many. DFSG 2 being vague
enough, any of those forms are OK if that's what one upstream uses. And
I gave examples of this.
As to the Adjective: when in doubt, strike it out.
                -- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"

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