❦ 16 avril 2015 21:09 +0200, Andreas Noteng <andr...@noteng.no> :

>> While I still maintain my previous position that concatenated js
>> is DFSG-free, even if it is not what upstream requires, I'm just
>> wondering - what is your .orig.tar.gz? You might not need to repack
>> it if you can concatenate the files with a debhelper override in
>> d/rules. And you're still distributing source the way upstream
>> wants it, so everyone's happy.
> My upstream simply includes the minified copy of the js's, I exclude
> these files in a repacked tarball using the exclude field of
> d/copyright. This is no problem. My problem is that building the
> javascript libs the way upstream's upstream intended requires grunt.
> Guess I'll have to start over again and figure out how to manually
> concatenate the separate upstream files into one huge file. I can see
> how it makes sense, but it also seems like a lot of work for very
> little gain…

We can't know for sure what is really accepted in Debian until you
upload something. Go the easy path first.

However, note that you may also hit the "no embedding rule" (as far as I
understand, what do you try to package?).
Anyone who has had a bull by the tail knows five or six more things
than someone who hasn't.
                -- Mark Twain

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