First a Mel Cupa.  I called the SourceForge system Apollo.  It's actual
name is Apache Allura.  Brain fart.

On Thu, 2015-04-16 at 23:13 -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Er, they did, didn't they?  I could have sworn that they only supported
> CVS initially, and then only added Subversion, and getting Git support
> took forever.

Pretty much.  Of course that may have something do with the respective
VCS being born in that order.  For comparison in the speed of addition,
GutHub opened for business in April 2008.  SourceForge added support for
git in March 2009.

> However, I still stand by the decision to only support a single VCS, at
> least when you start, because you can move a lot faster and implement a
> lot more functionality that people care a great deal about.

Woo, slow down there.  Here I was thinking the discussion was about
spinning up a server using exist software.  Has the discussion moved to
writing our own or even modifying something to suit Debian's needs?  If
so, is that justified by history?  Was there a period when not only was
Alioth's bug queue serviced, but we actually did some heavy lifting?  If
not than any discussion of "adding functionality" is probably fanciful.

In any case using an existing project and contributing any changes
upstream sounds like a much better plan to me - particularly if the
project is packaged in Debian.  They means we can just install auto
upgrades to keep it secure.

As for one DVCS to rule the world - that also sounds like a bit of a
stretch.  If we are going to do that, can we also settle on a preferred
computer language and force everyone to use a single debian packaging
method?  It would make life sooo much easier.

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