Niels Thykier <> (2015-06-15):
> On 2015-06-15 08:04, Neil Williams wrote:
> > On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 13:26:26 -0700
> > Russ Allbery <> wrote:
> > 
> >> Simon McVittie <> writes:
> >>
> >>> This is a recurring (anti-)pattern:
> >>
> >>> * an ABI-stable, high-level library, say libhigh0, links to a
> >>>   lower-level library, say liblow0
> >>> * we have an ABI transition from liblow0 to liblow1
> >>> * liblow0 and liblow1 do not both have versioned symbols
> >>
> >> And this point is the root of the problem.
> >>
> >> When I'm in a particular tilting at windmills mood, I think we should
> >> just stop accepting new shared libraries in Debian that don't use
> >> symbol versioning, and make adding symbol versioning mandatory the
> >> next time the SONAME changes. 
> > 
> > With the proviso that "ignoring/fudging" a SONAME change to avoid this
> > step is an RC bug. A SONAME change going through NEW which doesn't
> > include symbol versioning should be a reject.
> > 
> > The work to generate the symbols has already been done but needs a new
> > maintainer (
> > That would need to be fixed first.
> > 
> >> [...]
> To avoid confusing myself further, Russ and Neil, are you both talking
> about the "debian/symbols" files?  I thought Russ might have been
> talking about "versioned symbols at DSO level" (e.g. symbol@LOW0 vs
> symbol@LOW1).

I'm pretty sure Russ was indeed talking about versioned symbols at DSO
level. Having debian/symbols doesn't solve the issue at hand here.


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