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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

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Front Page

Video: Drunk Man Rides Swimming Moose after Chasing It down on a Boat
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Riding a moose like some giant, angry pony is never a good idea.

Not only are moose responsible for more attacks on humans than most other 
wildlife species, mounting one can land you some serious jail time and hefty 
fines. This video uploaded to YouTube shows this group of men chasing down a 

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Pope: Firearm Manufacturers Can't Call Themselves Christian
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Pope Francis harshly criticized "weapons manufacturers" in a speech he made on 
Sunday during a trip to the Italian city of Turin. According to Reuters, Pope 
Francis made an appearance in front of thousands of young people and spoke at 
length on subjects such as the Holocaust and Armenian genocide,...

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The NRA Foundation: Preserving Our Heritage, One Person at a Time
By: Tom McHale
Maybe you’ve heard the phrase “your tax dollars at work.” It doesn’t paint a 
very inspiring picture, does it? The government takes your money, then proceeds 
to waste it.

Fortunately, voluntarily giving money to organizations like the NRA Foundation 
is a much more satisfying experience. Have...

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CarbonTV Hunting and Fishing Ads Banned from YouTube
By: CarbonTV
CarbonTV, a premium online video network focused solely on outdoor and rural 
shows, recently produced two new YouTube ads that dared viewers to "See What 
You're Made Of.” However, CarbonTV found its ads were promptly banned from 
YouTube's ad service for their hunting and fishing footage.


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The Top 5 Most Beloved US Service Handguns
By: Daniel Xu
Military and police firearms carry a weight that few other guns can match. This 
is due in part to the fact that these firearms have actually been tested in the 
field, which not only strengthens their reputation but also forms an unique 
bond between user and firearm. When you are forced to trust a gun...

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Police Urge New York Hunters to Check Trail Cams for Escaped Prisoners
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
At a press conference on Monday, New York State Police urged hunters to check 
their game cameras for possible footage of two escaped prisoners in northern 
New York.

Richard Matt and David Sweat made national news earlier this month when they 
cut their way out of the Clinton Correctional Facility,...

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Video: Chris Cheng Plays Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" with Musical Targets
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Many firearms enthusiasts know that Chris Cheng is an accomplished competitive 
shooter and author.

As it turns out, he's also quite a talented musician---at least when the 
music-making involves shooting things to make melodies.

In the video below, Cheng blasts out a stirring rendition of the "Ode...

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The Best Cameras and Gear for Filming Your Own Hunts
By: Bernie Barringer
Many hunters have aspirations of someday making it big by having their TV show, 
but most hunters who are filming their own hunts are just doing it for the fun 
of it. Filming yourself has advantages and disadvantages. I prefer the time 
alone in-stand to the issues associated with having a camera person...

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Video: House Cat Stares Down Mountain Lion
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Cats love to stare out of windows, but it's not every day that a mountain lion 
stares back.

We're not sure if this cougar simply dropped by to say hello, or if it wanted a 
quick snack, but the house cat certainly didn't mind. Showing a strange lack of 
common sense, the tiny feline sits calmly as the...

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Video: Rabbit Fights Off Snake to Protect Its Babies
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Rabbits falling prey to snakes is not surprising, but you rarely get to see 
rabbits successfully fight back.

This mother rabbit found a snake in the process of eating her offspring when 
the rabbit jumped jumped on top of the snake and started to bite it. After a 
drawn-out struggle, the rabbit successfully...

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OutdoorHub - Gear Up!:

OutdoorHub Videos 
Event Replay Bismarck Day 1 
Watch all of the action from the BlueDEF Velocity Tour event in Bismarck, North 


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