On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 10:14:21AM +0200, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> - Apt will try to download it from a default location in the repository
>   (or perhaps a location specified in the deb822 sources.list file
>   itself).

What the heck is "it" in this sentence? I envision "deb822 sources.list"
file, but reading the location of the file from the file itself seems
a bit hard to pull of in practice…

> - It may be GPG-signed by one or more keys. Apt should have a way of
>   configuring GPG keys that may be allowed to sign sources.list files,
>   preloaded with the set of keys in the Debian keyring. This will allow
>   system administrators in large environments to specify their own set
>   of keys allowed to sign repositories, as well as allowing downstreams
>   to add its own ways of trusting repositories.

Using the Debian keyring as a preload means a) a big package pushed into
the default set of installed packages and b) the update state of this
package: The package can happily contain revoked/expired keys (if
everyone follows the <2 years expire recommendation every key will be
expired well before the end of security support – not even mentioning
LTS and apt can't just --refresh-keys as it can't verify the result).
No longer DDs.  Will not include new DDs. Same for DMs were the active
state can vary faster based on the ping.

There is of course the general problem of if a signature by a 'random'
DD actually assures anything. I mean, I have a key signed by a few DDs,
does that mean I can repropose my key now for an archive? Sounds about
right to me at least. So much for "a trusted path from Debian to [your]
repository" as it is now my man-in-the-middled repository.
(Did I say "I repropose"? That was the blackhat stealing my key of course)

Or did you mean that the DD signs the sources.list file directly? Well,
then my key isn't usable for that right now, but in exchange the DD
might have a slight problem in assuring the correctness of what he is
signing: I am the owner of example.org/debian. Trust me.

If you thought the default CA trust store in a browser is (too) large,
I am not sure what a 1000+ key trust store would be. Sounds for me like
the wet dream of security folks (not)…

Oh, and given that I got you to sign my example.org repo for me, does
that mean you are endorsing my endeavor? I mean, pornview is a normal
image viewer, hotbabe a good cpu monitor and sex my preferred input
method (as a text editor). Any objections? And god forbit that I might
turn (even more) evil.  Or the person I am selling the domain to in
three months… (Or should I say the blackhat who did a hostile take over
of my domain and now ships trojans to everyone with a sources.list
signed by you). But yeah, you are not endorsing me, you just signed
a document to give me root access on every machine you happen to be
a trusted signer on – that is totally different.

Some of this is a problem for an archive signing key as well, but the
difference is that an archive signing key is signing a Release file
which regularly changes, but a sources.list file hardly changes. It
especially doesn't change in the last example with a domain takeover and
there is no poor man's repository version of the web of trust.

If you are adding archive signing keys it must be hundred percent bullet
proof or all of apt-secure is broken. Sure, you are basically automating
what is currently done by hand by many users, but as long as they do it
by hand its their own fault – if you automate it to one-click they will
rightly expect it to be secure.

> - It may possibly add a limitation on the packages that can be
>   downloaded from the given repository (so that a package repository
>   cannot suddenly acquire a package "libc6", accidentally or otherwise).
>   This should allow for wildcards (e.g., in my specific situation this
>   field would contain "libbeid*, eid-*, beid-*")

While a nice feature, hardly a security one as for an attacker it is
only important to know which package to infect. libc6 is of course
installed by everyone, so an "upgrade" in a bugged repository has the
desired effect, but any person with your repository active will also
have one of your packages installed – otherwise they wouldn't have the
repository in the first place, right – so that feature gives a warm
fuzzy feeling at best. Who cares in the end if the package I run my evil
maintainer script with is called 'libc6' or 'eid' …

btw: Who is controlling that whitelist? Lets imagine that your tool
needs in version 2 two new obscure libraries: You will have a hard time
convincing John Doe that he should update the list by hand after apt-get
crapped out with an error message saying that much – on the other hand
Jane Doe will be disappointed if you let apt-get change the list based
on the wishes of the repository. And lets face it: Nobody will be happy
if apt-get is asking a question about this as everyone will be trained
to press 'yes' pretty quickly.

Oh, and what about eid-libc6 provides+replaces libc6 ? Did I hear
someone say package managers should interpret provides+replaces as an
upgrade instruction? Oh, the fun I could have if I wouldn't be root on
your system already… (not I, I mean the blackhat…)

> - (It would be good if apt also added the ability to limit keys on a
>   per-repository basis, already suggested in the January 2014 discussion
>   but not yet implemented due to missing required infrastructure)

I implemented that in the meantime (not released yet), but that is again
mostly something to have a warm fuzzy feeling with, not something giving
anything substantial. It fixes the hostile domain-takeover from above at
the expense of raising again the question of who is responsible for
keeping this information current – or trains Joe's to press 'ignore' on
the resulting security errors.

(Which is why I implemented enforcing a specific keyring as well, which
you could keep uptodate via a -archive-keyring package, but still it's
little more than a drop in the ocean as it's no answer in the bootstrap

> We could then also add a field "Default-Install:", ignored by apt but
> honoured by a handler for the MIME type of sources.list files, that
> would list a set of packages to install by default when adding this
> repository.

No practical difference between libc6 or eid. q.e.d.

> At the same time, it would allow us to limit the possible "damage"
> third-party repositories can do in several ways:
> - Limit the keys with which they can sign their repositories;

And this is a limit because… ? So my key (assuming you have it in your
trust store) can't sign the Debian archive – buh huh. At least I can
still sign "my" repository with it. Good enough for me – all I need to
ship is an "update" of eid now…
aka: If you trust a bad key you have already lost.

> - Limit the packages they can override, very much in the same way we
>   limit DMs today;

Expect that this limit is enforced at a central place, can be constantly
updated and that the people hit by the limit are also the people who can
'easily' deal with the problem – or at least understand it. Very much
unlike the way repositories and dependencies work today. Or to express
it in your example: How should a user decide if a repository is allowed
to ship libc6 or not?

> - If the Pin-Priority: field as proposed by aj is implemented (doesn't
>   appear to be the case today), limit the impact the repository can
>   have.

This is more a theoretic limit. Any normal repository will have
a pin-value of at least 100 (NotAutomatic + ButAutomaticUpgrades) as
everything else isn't very practical. So I have the guaranty that if
I know a package name the user will have installed from this repository
I have an upgrade and hence a way to run my maintainerscript as root
– so where is this "limit the impact" exactly?

Also, why should have a repository the right to declare its own pin
value? Okay, they can opt for a low one, but does that mean I can get
you to sign my sources.list file with a pin value of 1111 (wich gives me
downgrades)? If such a field is implemented, that is strictly a user-set
one only. A repository shouldn't be able to set it…

In general I think we are talking about two different files here which
just happen to have a similar format and the later can be a template for
the first one. The deb822 sources.list (which in fact will have
a '.sources' extension as we can't mix two different formats in '.list'
– and no, there is no sources.sources, just sources.list.d/foo.sources)
and your "add me" file which has the same syntax but is signed. You can't sign
the first one as a user should be allowed to modify a configuration file…

Oh, what about "add me" files which just add components? That can be
done already and is secure, but lets just imagine someone clicks the
"add me" file for Debian-main and after that the one for
Debian-main-contrib-nonfree. Pretty obvious that this shouldn't end up
creating two sources files, right? (+ the joy of detecting mirrors)

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

P.S.: Ubuntu ppa's use https; I think hildon just ignored security
completely but some time passed since I played with a stock Nokia N810.
And last I heard Debian ppa's were supposed to be signed by the usual
debian archive key(s), so no security problem here.

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