❦ 25 août 2015 17:58 GMT, Bas Wijnen <wij...@debian.org> :

> I don't see why javascript minification would be different from C compilation
> in a way that would lead to a different way of handling it.

Playing a bit of devil's advocate here, but...

It has already been said numerous time in the past, for some Javascript
code, we don't really have the tools in Debian to easily go from the
source to the minified version. It's possible, but without the
appropriate tools, it's painful.

It's different from C compilation, because C is mature and Javascript is
still reinventing build tools pulling tons of dependencies to just do
the work of make and cat.

Notably, one of the tool is Grunt and its myriad of plugins. Even if
Grunt was in Debian, we would also need Gulp, then Broccoli, because in
Javascript, there is always someone thinking that it should be possible
to do better. We need to leave the Javascript ecosystem mature a bit
more but in the meantime, a bit of tolerance would be appreciated for
the some of us needing to package some javascript bits.

Of course, this is suboptimal and the attack using minifier bugs
illustrate why we need to be able to rebuild from the source.
Each module should do one thing well.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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