On Thu, 8 Oct 2015 at 08:35 Nick Phillips <nick.phill...@otago.ac.nz> wrote:

> Personally, I'd prefer that packages get a default configuration and
> services are never enabled on install. However, I get that some/many
> people would prefer that debconf ask them enough questions to configure
> a package and that the service be enabled by the end of the install.

For a (rare?) example I have had recently where I prefer services don't get
configured or enabled on install, consider build-depends required for

I have a python library in Debian that build depends on slapd.


It does this because it has tests that require slapd. The tests create a
slapd database and run slapd on a non-standard port.

Unfortunately, when slapd gets installed it automatically configures a
database (completely redundant) and starts a slapd instance on the default
ldap port. This means you can't build my package in a schroot instance on a
host that is already running slapd on the port (e.g. another build
instance), because it will fail to install slapd.

It would be much better (for testing) if I could just install the slapd
daemon without doing any of the automatic configuration.

As another example with the same package, any automatic configuration makes
it harder to write scripts to automatically create a Debian install
instance with slapd running for testing. I was working on this in my
previous job. A change in the default configuration from testing to
unstable broke my LDIF configuration changes (due to change in database
backend). I was almost considering making step delete existing
configuration after installing OS packages, so it could start from a
clean/known state[1].

After being made redundant from my previous job, I am no longer working on
this particular project. Still need to consider if I want to continue
maintaining python-tldap or not as a result.


[1] For the record the rpm packages were a lot worse then the Debian
packages because they make assumptions on the default configuration, such
as default DN, with no easy/obvious way of changing them.

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