On 07/11/15 10:05, Dominique Dumont wrote:
> On Friday 06 November 2015 18:48:29 Alec Leamas wrote:
>> So, an upgrade will not support hardware.conf. Which basically breaks
>> each and every installation. While we could (i. e., should) provide docs
>> and perhaps some tooling to ease the process, 
> Well, you can provide a tools to upgrade from hardware.conf to the new 
> configuration files (systemd based) using 
>  https://wiki.debian.org/PackageConfigUpgrade
> Since hardware.conf is quite small, the creation of the model shouldn't take 
> long. Creating the code to read hardware,conf is easy, creating the code to 
> write files using systemd syntax shouldn't take long. I could help you there 
> if 
> you don't know Perl.
>> I think some kind of
>> manual intervention is unavoidable.
> Why ? because of the format change ? or does the user have to provide more 
> information ? (the latter would more or less break the upgrade described 
> above)


Some tooling to build the new configuration from the old will indeed be
required. This is actually some work - it includes a complete lircd
command line parser with ~18 options. Bit it's certainly doable.

The real reason why I think some user intervention is if not necessary
at least desirable is the semantic gap between the old and new
configuration. In particular, the current config enables the 'lirc'
service which then starts up to four different server processes. The new
config is actually up to four different systemd services which need to
be handled separately by the user.

Sure, it's possible to enable and start systemd services from the
existing configuration. But won't this be rather confusing for the user?


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