
Some of you may have noticed that the service for analysis of ABI changes in 
Linux libraries is not available any more: http://upstream-tracker.org/

The archive from 21 July 2015 is still available and supported by ROSA team: 

But ... Good news everyone! I've spent about a half-year to implement an 
open-source alternative of the tool from scratch and I'm glad to inform you 
that it's finally ready and available at: https://github.com/lvc/abi-tracker

So everyone can set up their own ABI tracker for the interested libraries. The 
reports and architecture of the tool are much better than the old ones. Also 
I've set up a new small upstream tracker for the core Linux libraries (glibc, 
openssl, freetype, Qt, etc.) here: http://abi-laboratory.pro/tracker/


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