Alberto Salvia Novella <> writes:

> The problem seems to be that the package manager does not make its basic
> functionality, which is to make clear for users which packages they wish
> to remove.

> For me it seems a minor problem that a console tool could be removed,
> compared with packages accumulating and no longer been able to tell which
> of those are really needed or not.

I completely disagree.  A package manager should default to retaining
packages in case they're useful, not default to removing them.  Removing
packages is far more destructive than keeping unused packages.

> Specially when the kind of user who uses the console is who could tell
> when this tool will be removed, and the package manager would list
> those.

There are multiple tools that do things like this.  I'm very happy with
how apt works now; I think it's correctly doing what it should in the
situation described in this thread.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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