On Sun, 03 Jan 2016 23:04:20 +1300, Daniel Reurich
<dan...@centurion.net.nz> wrote:
>On 03/01/16 22:33, Philip Hands wrote:
>> Daniel Reurich <dan...@centurion.net.nz> writes:
>> ...
>>> Because systemd doesn't work without /usr on the root partition isn't a
>>> good reason either.
>> You are right ... it is a poor reason, because it is pure fantasy.
>Then why is it that since the introduction of systemd is having /usr on
>a separate partition suddenly considered evil and systemd complains
>loudly about it.  It always has worked and does work fine for me with

Within the systemd world, one can never know whether something that
has been working previously will not be removed at a whim in the next
major release.

See the discussion about EnvironmentFile which "should never have been
implemented" and "should be removed" on systemd-devel which resulted
in one side of the discussion being put on moderation (guess which one
got silenced).

systemd needs to be forked by some party with enough personpower that
removed features can get patched in again to not break backwards
compatiblity. Unfortunately, this will most probably lead to a wave of
code refactoring upstream-side so that maintaining such patches will
be harder.

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