On 01/06/2016 02:55 AM, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Nikolaus Rath writes ("Re: support for merged /usr in Debian"):
>> On Jan 05 2016, Ian Jackson <ijack...@chiark.greenend.org.uk> wrote:
>>> People who have been using a configuration for many years naturally
>>> become upset when they are told that it has been `unsupported' for all
>>> of this time
>> Well, yes, but this is just a fact. I don't think it makes sense to
>> avoid stating the fact because it makes some people upset - rather,
>> those people should try to avoid blaming the messenger.
> Whether a configuration is `supported' is not a fact; it is a
> political decision about how problems with it will be handled.

May I rephrase 'unsupported' a bit so it fits with your framing
of the issue?

  "Ample evidence has shown that declaring continued support
   for mounting /usr from / amounts to wishful thinking."

It's perfectly legitimate to lament that, but it doesn't make it
any less true.


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