On Sat, 9 Jan 2016 09:31:36 +0200, Lars Wirzenius <l...@liw.fi> wrote:
>On Fri, Jan 08, 2016 at 01:31:12PM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
>> What will kill Debian faster than anything else is to have every idea for
>> changing something large, interesting, or possibly revolutionary in Debian
>> be met with anger, derision, and attacks.
>Hear, hear. I snipped out the rest of Russ's mail, but only for
>brevity: I fully agree with all of it. Extremely well said, Russ.
>I feel that there is fair bit of unresolved conflict sloshing around
>the project. This happens when people have a disagreement, and it's
>not handled properly on an emotional level: even though the
>disagreement is resolved on a technical level, and a decision is made
>and implemented, those who didn't agree with it don't get proper
>emotional closure, they feel put upon and rejected, that their
>concerns do not matter. It's like they are wounded, and the wound
>never gets to heal, and if there's any future disagreement, the old
>wound gets torn open again. That's not healthy.

Yes, that's pretty well said as well. Exactly how I feel. And I am not
even a systemd opponent.

>What could we do instead, to prevent and to handle these things?

It would help to be friendly to each other. No CoC needed by that,
it's just basic common sense.

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