Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Debian Med team <>

* Package name    : python-schema-salad
  Version         : 1.6.20160202222448
  Upstream Author : Common workflow language working group 
* URL             :
* License         : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Schema Annotations for Linked Avro Data (SALAD)

Salad is a schema language for describing JSON or YAML structured linked data
documents. Salad is based originally on JSON-LD and the Apache Avro data
serialization system.

Salad schema describes rules for preprocessing, structural validation, and link
checking for documents described by a Salad schema. Salad features for rich
data modeling such as inheritance, template specialization, object identifiers,
object references, documentation generation, and transformation to RDF. Salad
provides a bridge between document and record oriented data modeling and the
Semantic Web.

A dependency of cwltool; will be co-maintained by the debian-med team.

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