On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 11:15:16PM +0100, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
>I've just activated a few changes to the archive we talk(ed) about for a
>long time. And while it is not exactly the start of this release cycle,
>it should still work out nicely (so one hopes).
>As of now, InRelease/Release files, Packages and Sources no longer
>provide MD5Sum and SHA1sums, only SHA256.

That (Packages and Sources) will break jigdo generation for debian-cd
(and hence all CD/DVD/BD builds). We can't fix this easily in a short
timescale - current released jigdo clients (both in Debian and
externally) use md5 internally to reference files in the archive. Not
as a *security* feature; this is the core design of jigdo.

>Additionally I turned off generating gzip compressed versions of those
>files, xz is there.

And that will break various other parts of debian-cd.

>To test it, this is limited to experimental. We hope nothing breaks on it,
>but lets try for a few days. If that works out, we should adjust
>unstable, and another short time later coordinate with the release team
>to adjust testing, so it ends up in the next release.

Please, no. We need more time than that to fix things up.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
"I can't ever sleep on planes ... call it irrational if you like, but I'm
 afraid I'll miss my stop" -- Vivek Das Mohapatra

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