Barry Warsaw <> writes:

> Even if I didn't like 3.0-quilt, I think it's clear that dgit has to work well
> with such package formats as it will be a long time, if ever that a maintainer
> won't have to walk up to a quiltified package to do some work on.  I'm not
> personally a fan of single-debian-patch.

I think the single-debian-patch makes doing security updates a lot
harder. Particularly if one distribution has been patched, and the patch
needs to be ported to other distributions.

Sure, you might be able to retrieve/store the individual patches from
git, however we don't have any one standard for storing the patches in
git. This means in order to do security updates, the first step would be
to learn how this particular packages stores the patches in git. Unlike
3.0-quilt format which is a standard that most packages use (or some
similar storing of patches in debian/patches at least).

I haven't looked at dgit in sometime, so I can't recall how well it
works - assuming it does work - with 3.0-quilt format.
Brian May <>

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