❦ 17 avril 2016 18:07 +0200, Philipp Kern <pk...@debian.org> :

>> I intend to also provide an initramfs hook to make the conversion of a
>> root filesystem for simple cases only (notably cloud payload).
> I am still a little bit scared by this tool. If it would optionally
> persist the block it is currently rewriting (at the loss of a lot of
> performance and at the possible detriment of the thing you are writing
> it to, if it's flash-based), I'd feel better about it. This way there
> should be a fairly strong warning that the resume.bin is completely and
> utterly lost if you should lose power in the process. There is no state
> tracking on the disk that is being converted either, AIUI.

From what I understand, the resume.bin file contains the current chunk
of memory and the the current position. So, it should be possible to
resume from the resume.bin.

If it is about my idea to provide an initramfs hook to make the
conversion, I agree. However, my use case is for cloud payload where
you have to start from a clear-text boot image. The conversion would be
done before putting valuable data on the disk.
Make it right before you make it faster.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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