On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 11:46:21AM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
>    echo "ddtp   in  a" | gpg --clearsign | mail 
> chan...@db.debian.org
> three days ago but neither got any response (I think there should be
> some kind of automatic notification) nor is the new IP set in DNS.
Hi Andreas,

I'm not sure what mistake you did exactly, but if you send a wrongly
formatted but correctly signed mail to chan...@db.debian.org,
change@db.d.o (note the slightly different username) will mail you back
an error. And if you mail a correctly formatted and signed it will send
you back a success mail.

I'm not sure you get a correct reply if you sign incorrectly or not at

Bottomline: if you've done things right, you get a mail back immediatly.
If you dont get a mail back, you have done something wrong.


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