[add debian-devel back to cc]

> Regarding _declaring_ appropriate DEP5 hints, with machine-readable DEP5 =
> copyright format you can declare a license in the _header_ section to =
> indicate the effective license caused by "infection" of indivifual parts =
> on the whole of the binary product.

Almost sufficent, but not general enough.

Just an idea: new field in Package: stanza in d/control:
`Effective-License', which specify which terms you must comply with if
you use this library. In my case, I would leave debian/copyright alone,
and add `Effective-License: GPL-2+' to libghc-missingh-dev.

And add rule, that Effective-License defaults to License in header,
which defaults to the most strict of licenses of individual files.
Add tool, that implement this rule. Hmm, it is complicated.


> Also note that DEP5 format is only optional, so such automated =
> checks, even if/when existing, would not cover Debian as a whole.

Is there no plans to push it into policy?

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