On Sat, Jul 09, 2016 at 07:29:47PM +0530, Balasankar C wrote:

> >> as upstream of https://github.com/spanezz/staticsite I want it so that
> >> when people git clone it or open a tarball of it, it just works,
> >> with no need of installing twitter bootstrap in example/theme manually.
> >>
> >> As Debian packager of it, I want twitter bootstrap in example/theme to
> >> be symlinks to what's in libjs-twitter-bootstrap.
> > 
> > You just add a links file in your package to replace the js to symlinks. 
> > And add dependency on the js package.
> That involves repackaging right? I think he is trying to do it without making
> multiple tarballs.

If you have a watch file, you can download new upstream tarballs with
the uscan tool. You can list the files you want automatically removed
from that tarball before it's turned into a .orig.tar.gz in
debian/copyright (see the uscan manpage). So there is no need to
manually repackage it.

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
      Guus Sliepen <g...@debian.org>

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