On 28/08/16 12:43, Jonathan de Boyne Pollard wrote:
> Simon McVittie:
>> Once per thread about systemd, I point out that dbus-daemon links to
>> both libapparmor and libselinux - which results in at least one
>> useless library for literally everyone with dbus installed, since
>> "major" LSMs don't stack, so nobody can possibly be using both
>> AppArmor and SELinux at the same time. Oddly enough, nobody has
>> complained about that, only about libsystemd...
> Which rather neatly brings us to something that I've been wondering
> about for some time.  It's a pointless package dependency.  But for
> novelty it's one that the people who *use* systemd might be interested
> in, rather than the people who *want to avoid* systemd.
> Consider the "initscripts" package.
> The "systemd" package has an explicit package dependency from it (in
> both Debian 8 and the prospective Debian 9).
> *
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-systemd/systemd.git/tree/debian/control?h=debian/215-18&id=b1e8aa81062a0fcbcc27b99144521579ab873245#n56

That commit is from systemd 215-18 which is over a year old. The version
of systemd in unstable has no such dependency. In fact I don't even have
initscripts installed on my laptop. You can read the systemd changelog
to see why it was originally needed.


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